You are a lover of the coffee but don't drink this excessively because you know that this cause ulcers.... You like to drink tea, but drink it moderate because you know that this stains your teeth... If you are of the ones that still believes that to drink coffee or tea is damaging, but you enjoy a lot of this type of beverages... this is a very good news for you!!
Yes!!you read well!! a great news!! Because scientific have discovered recently that to drink coffee or tea excessively reduces the risk to suffer cancer to the kidney.
This because the coffee and the tea may increase the body's sensitivity to the blood-sugar-regulating hormone insulin besides that tea and coffee, possess antioxidants that avoid the cell damage produced by free radicals that your same body produces daily.
But if you suffer from obesity, hypertension or simply are an uncontrollable smoker, this news is also good for you!! Yes because the people that suffered these illnesses also

If you are a endeavored worker or a student without time, that drinks coffee excessively to remain awake, or well if you live with your grandmother that obliges you to take tea every 15 minutes, these inside of the fortunate people that reduce their risk to suffer cancer to the kidney, while the ones that drink milk, soda and juice only drink to satisfy their thirst !!!
Already you know!! to drink coffee and tea has been said!! but recalls to do it excessively because only the ones that drank more than three cups to the day achieved to reduce in a 16 percent the risk of illness.....cuac :S....
If you can read this news clik this link;_ylt=Au5E2Wmq3YNKq8UeCYoCs_QQ.3QA
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