miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2007

Task Nº5

Last night while I saw the television ( I toward "zapping" ), I tune the canal 13 , where in the meantime Christmas programming that repeat year after year began a movie, which I had never seen before because each time that this began I didn’t have time to see it.
The name of the movie was "Artificial Intelligence" and in few words its story of a robot boy who desires to be a real boy in a far future in which humans (orgas) and machines (mecas) exist side by side but not always in harmony is very much modeled on the Pinocho story,
On the other hand, this boy robot is not a common robot, in the history appears like the first robot that had feelings as a human boy, that is to say he could laugh, to cry, to be felt angry and especially to feel a lot of love by his parents, that in this case they was who planned him. But the love of this robot boy is the one that frightens to his mother which abandons him in a forest, therefore this robot boy seeks to the ada that transformed to pinocho in boy( the Pinocho's story), because he thought that if he was a human his mother would love him, like she love his illegitimate child.
This movie its a futuristic science fiction drama and the history bears a striking resemblance to the book "Un mundo feliz" by Aldous Huxley ( book that I read in my school's times).
The director of the movie was the acquaintance Steven Spielberg and in the team we can find to
Haley Joel Osment like David (who acted also in the movie "The Sixth Sense "), Frances O'Connor and Jude Law
I think that this movie gives a very futuristic look and what could happen if the human continue creating machines that do our works and even our human works. After all who knows if in a distant future we will be able to create robot children, leaving us open questions as how will man and machine be able to co-exist? Can a parent love a child, even if that child is not real? ......:S

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